The eligibility of Medical Expenses will depend upon the type of benefit plan you in which you are enrolled. The Medical Flex Spending Account (Med-FSA) will allow most if not all of the expenses listed below. If you are a participant in the Health Savings Account (HSA), the Limited Purpose Med-FSA account is limited to dental, vision and preventive care expenses for you and your eligible dependents. If your employer offers a Health Reimbursement Arrangement, the eligible expenses will be defined in your Summary Plan Description. Please contact your employer for more information.
Download a copy of the list here ⇩
Generally speaking, most medical, dental and vision expenses are eligible and you can include the expenses of your eligible dependents, even if they are not covered under your employer’s group insurance plan. Eligible expenses are services and treatments that are medically necessary and prevent or treat illness or disease. To be eligible, your expenses must be incurred — services actually received — by you or your eligible dependents during the plan year while you are/were an active participant and your claim for reimbursement of the eligible expenses must be submitted according to the requirements set by your employer’s plan.

All expenses by alphabet
Expenses Starting With A
- Acne over the counter medications
- Activity tracker ($150 maximum) LMN required to demonstrate medical need and why this expense would not have been incurred if not for the medical condition
- Acupuncturist services
- Adaptive Equipment (Crutches, Canes, Grab Bars, Wheelchairs, etc.)
- Air Purifier if recommended (LMN) to treat a specific medical condition (additional requirements apply if affixed to your home)
- Alcoholism or drug addiction treatment, inpatient or outpatient
- Allergy relief bedding products as recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition (excess cost of the special form only)
- Ambulance Services
- Antiarthritic Supplements (Glucosamine/Chondroitin)
- Arthritis gloves
- Artificial Insemination (services for the employee, spouse or dependent)
- Aspirin
Expenses Starting With B
- Baby formula that satisfies normal nutritional requirements is not eligible
- Bandages
- Batteries use to operate a medical product/device that is an eligible medical expense, such as hearing aids, breast pumps, durable medical equipment, and wheelchairs
- Biological products, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Birth Control & Contraceptives
- Blood Pressure Monitors
- Body Scans & Medical Diagnostic Services
- Botanical products, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Botox for cosmetic purposes
- Botox for treatment of a medical condition, such as migraines
- Braces & Supports
- Braille books and magazines (excess cost only between regular books and magazines and the Braille version)
- Breast Pumps and related supplies (does not include pillows, specialty bras, baby bottles, etc.)
- Breast reconstruction following mastectomy, including prosthesis
- Breastfeeding classes
Expenses Starting With C
- Canes
- Career Counseling
- Carpal tunnel wrist supports
- CBD Products
- Child or newborn care instruction
- Childbirth classes
- Chiropractic services
- Christian Science Practitioner fees
- Coinsurance, co-payments, and deductibles if the underlying services are eligible
- Compression garments as directed by a physician to treat or prevent a medical condition (does not include sports compression garments and products)
- Compression hosiery and/or socks (20-30 mmHg or 30-40 mmHg)
- Concierge medical practice fees (membership fees or prepaid service fees)
- Condoms
- Contact lenses, contact lens solutions, and contact lens cases (corrective lenses only, not for cosmetic purposes)
- Contraceptives, including birth control pills, "morning after" pills, condoms, and spermicidal foam
- Co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles if the underlying services are eligible
- Cord Blood Banking for possible future medical needs
- Cord Blood or Umbilical cord storage for treatment of known medical condition (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Cosmetic medications, services, procedures, or surgery
- Cosmetic medications, services, procedures, or surgery to treat birth defects, illness, disease and/or injuries
- Cough drops and cough syrup
- Counseling if provided by a licensed provider to treat a diagnosed medical condition (marriage or career counseling, life coaching and parenting counseling are not generally eligible)
- COVID testing
- CPAP devices and supplies
- Crowns, dental if not obtained for cosmetic purposes
- Crutches
- Cryotherapy and Cold Therapy
Expenses Starting With D
- Deductibles, coinsurance, and co-payments if the underlying services are eligible
- Dental cleaning
- Dental Fillings
- Dental floss and other dental cleaning materials and products
- Dental implants
- Dental sealants
- Dental veneers if need to repair tooth damage or prevent tooth damage (not eligible for cosmetic purposes)
- Dentures and denture care products (adhesives, cleaner treatments, denture brushes, etc.)
- Diabetic socks are eligible to the extent that the cost of the specialized socks exceeds the cost of regular socks
- Diabetic Supplies
- Diaper rash cream and ointments
- Diapers for infants
- Diet foods
- Doula, certified provider for medical care would be eligible but not costs related to emotional support, parenting information, housekeeping, etc.
- Drug addiction or alcoholism treatment, inpatient or outpatient
- Drugs and medicines, prescription or over the counter (medical care only, not for cosmetic use)
- Drug-testing kits to treat a medical condition
- Durable medical equipment
- Dyslexia treatment (see Learning Disability for more information)
Expenses Starting With E
- Ear drops and wax removal products
- Ear plugs, if recommended for a specific medical condition
- Egg, sperm and embryo storage during active fertility treatment (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Electrolysis if needed as part of a medically-necessary reconstructive process (not eligible if for cosmetic or personal reasons)
- Embryo, egg, and sperm storage during active fertility treatment (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Emergency medical kits and first aid kits
- Emotional Support Animals
- Epsom salts
- Exercise equipment for the home if recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition with explanation from physician to explain why other fitness options are not advisable
- Exercise program if recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition
- Eye examinations
- Eyeglass repair kits
- Eyeglasses (prescription/corrective)
Expenses Starting With F
- Face masks are eligible retroactive to 1/1/2020 per an IRS notice in March 2021.
- Family, Marriage and/or Parental Counseling
- Feminine hygiene products (deodorants, cleansing products, sprays)
- Feminine menstrual care products (tampons, pads, liners, cups, sponges, etc.)
- Fertility monitors
- Fertility treatment (services for the employee, spouse or dependent)
- Fertility treatment (surrogate who is not a dependent of the employee under IRS rules)
- Fiber supplements, if recommended by physician for a specific medical condition
- Finance charges and late fees
- First Aid Kits
- Fitness programs as recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition
- Flu shots, immunizations, and vaccinations
- Foods and food products are not eligible unless it does not satisfy nutritional needs
- Foreign countries, medical, dental and vision services received in foreign countries are eligible if those services could be legally obtained in the United States
- Foreign countries, medications received and used in foreign countries are eligible if they could be legally obtained and used in the United States
Expenses Starting With G
- Gender reassignment surgery
- Genetic testing, if done to diagnose a disease or medical condition (ancestry-related testing will not qualify but the portion allocable to medical diagnosis will qualify)
- Glasses, prescription lenses
- Gloves, medical-grade, are eligible retroactive to 1/1/2020 per an IRS notice in March 2021.
- Glucosamine and Chondroitin
- Glucose-monitoring equipment and testing supplies, if for medical care
- Grab bars for home health needs
- Guide Dog, cost to obtain and maintain an animal that is trained to do work or perform tasks to assist a person with a disability
- Gym memberships if recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition
Expenses Starting With H
- Hair transplant or hair restoration
- Hand Sanitizers are eligible retroactive to 1/1/2020 per an IRS notice in March 2021.
- Hand soap and hand lotion
- Hearing Aids and batteries
- Heart rate monitor (non-sports)
- Heating pads and heat packs (medical products only)
- Herbal remedies, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Holistic or homeopathic supplements, botanicals, and remedies, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Home medical test kits
- Homeopathic care (licensed health care professional fees)
- Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Humidifier if recommended (LMN) to treat a specific medical condition (additional requirements apply if affixed to your home)
- Humidifier, if a medical product
- Hydrogen Peroxide (for medical need)
- Hypnosis if performed by a professional to treat a medical condition or for medical reasons, such as smoking cessation
Expenses Starting With I
- Ice Packs (medical products only)
- Immunizations, flu shots, and vaccinations
- Imported medications
- In Vitro Fertilization (services for the employee, spouse or dependent)
- Incontinence products for adults
- Incontinence products for children as treatment of a specific medical condition
- Infant diapers
- Infant formula prescribed by a physician to treat a specific medical condition would be eligible to the extent that the cost of the special formula exceeds the cost of similar infant formula of similar quality
- Infant formula that satisfies normal nutritional requirements is not eligible
- Infertility treatment (employee, spouse or dependent)
- Insulin, related supplies, and equipment
- Insurance Premiums
- Invisalign and dental aligners
Expenses Starting With L
- Laboratory fees
- Lactation Consultant
- Lactation supplies such as breast pumps, creams, pads, shields and storage bags (does not include pillows, specialty bras, baby bottles, etc.)
- Lamaze classes for mother only
- Language therapy, tuition and tutoring fees paid to special schools and specially trained teachers for an individual with a disability
- Lasik eye surgery
- Late payment fees
- Latex and nitrile gloves if recommended by a physician due to treat a medical condition or illness (not for general/preventive personal use)
- Learning disability therapy, tuition and tutoring fees paid to special schools and specially trained teachers for an individual with a disability
- Lens wipes and eye glass cleaning products
- Lice treatment
- Life coaching
- Lodging up to $50 per night for the caregiver of a patient receiving medical, dental or vision care (additional requirements apply)
- Lodging up to $50 per night for the patient receiving medical, dental or vision care (additional requirements apply)
Expenses Starting With M
- Marijuana or controlled substances, even if allowed under state or local law
- Massage membership dues or flat rate and prepaid services
- Massage therapy treatments, if recommended by a physcian to treat a specific medical condition (not for general health or stress relief)
- Mastectomy-related special bras
- Maternity clothes
- Meals other than hospital inpatient expenses of the patient, meal costs for the patient and caregiver are not eligible
- Medical Alert ID bracelets and necklaces
- Medical gloves if recommended by a physician due to treat a medical condition or illness (not for general/preventive personal use)
- Medical information plans and medical records fees
- Medical Marijuana or controlled substances, even if allowed under state or local law
- Medical products purchases are generally are eligible up to 90-day supply in any 90-day period
- Medical records fees
- Medical retainer fee and "concierge" practice fees
- Medications and drugs, prescription or over the counter (medical care only, not for cosmetic use)
- Medications and services that are not legal or could not be legally obtained per US law
- Medications imported from foreign countries are not generally eligible
- Medications received and used in foreign countries are eligible if they could be legally obtained and used in the United States
- Menstrual supplies such as tampons, cups, pads, liners, and sponges
- Midwife services (not for post-partum/healthy baby care)
- Mileage related to travel to or from eligible medical, dental and vision services
- Missed appointment fees
- Mouthwash is not generally eligible however the excess cost of a special mouthwash prescribed to treat a specific medical condition may qualify
Expenses Starting With N
- Nasal and sinus rinse supplies
- Naturopathic and alternative healer services may be eligible but any products they recommend or dispense are not eligible unless they are licensed to write script for prescription medications
- Nebulizers and inhalers
- Nicotine gum or patches
- Nurse Practitioners
- Nutritionist professional services if treatment is related to a specific medical condition diagnosed by a physician
Expenses Starting With O
- Occlusal guards for sports
- Occlusal guards to prevent teeth grinding
- Occupational therapy to treat a medical condition
- Online or telephone consultation fees paid to treat or diagnose a medical condition and the provider is licensed or certified to provide services in the location of the patient
- Ophthalmologist
- Optometrist
- Orthodontia treatments, eligible as services are received over the course of treatment (not prepaid)
- Orthopedic shoes, the difference in cost between the special orthopedic shoe and the regular version of similar quality
- Orthotic inserts, custom or over the counter
- Osteopaths
- Over the counter medications (purchases of multiples of any item or category of items are limited to a 90-day supply in any 90-day period)
- Ovulation monitor
- Oximeter
Expenses Starting With P
- Pedialyte rehydration
- Pediatricians
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as Face Masks, Hand Sanitizers and Alcohol Wipes are eligible retroactive to 1/1/2020 per an IRS notice in March 2021.
- Personal Use Items
- Physical exams, including sports physicals
- Physical therapy
- Plastic Surgery is not eligible unless deemed medically-necessary by a Physician to treat or correct injury, illness or birth defect
- Podiatrists
- Pregnancy test kits
- Prenatal vitamins that are marketed specifically as prenatal vitamins and taken during pregnancy would be eligible
- Prepayments for future medical-related services are not eligible
- Prescription medications and drugs
- Prescription medications imported from foreign countries are not generally eligible
- Prescription medications received and used in foreign countries are eligible if they could be legally obtained and used in the United States
- Prosthetics (including Post-Mastectomy Prosthetic Bras)
- Psychiatric care
- Psychologist services
Expenses Starting With R
- Reading glasses
- Retin-A, Letter of Medical Necessity in addition to an Rx to specify that there is a medical need for the product
- Rubbing alcohol (medical products only)
Expenses Starting With S
- Safety glasses if lenses are corrective/prescription
- Sales tax for eligible expenses
- Service Animal, cost to obtain and maintain an animal that is trained to do work or perform tasks to assist a person with a disability
- Shampoo, as recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition (excess cost of the special form only)
- Shipping and handling fee for eligible expenses
- Ski or Sports Goggles, with or without prescription lenses
- Smart watch up to $125
- Smoking cessation programs, medications, gum, and patches
- Sore throat lozenges, rinses, and sprays
- Speech therapy
- Sperm, embryo, and storage during active fertility treatment (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Stem cell harvesting and/or storage for treatment of known medical condition (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Student health fees
- Sunglasses with corrective lenses
- Sunglasses without corrective lenses
- Sunscreen, dedicated sun protection (SPF 15+) products (makeup and lotions that include SPF protection are not eligible)
- Surgical stockings
- Swim goggles, with or without prescription lenses
Expenses Starting With T
- Teeth bleaching unless the tooth discoloration is extensive and was caused by disease, birth defect or injury
- Telehealth and remote care paid to treat or diagnose a medical condition and the provider is licensed or certified to provide services in the location of the patient
- Telephone equipment that allows individuals with hearing or speech communication issues to communicate over the telephone, including TYY and TDD equipment
- Thermometers for medical care use
- Tissue or toilet paper
- Toothbrushes and dental cleaning products, even if prescribed or recommended
- Toothpaste if available only by prescription
- Toothpaste, the excess cost of a special toothpaste recommended by a licensed medical provider to treat a specific medical condition
- Travel related to medical, dental or vision services including mass-transit, mileage, taxi, parking, etc.
Expenses Starting With U-V
- Ultrasound, prenatal (for diagnostic purposes only)
- Vaccinations, immunizations, and flu shots
- Vasectomy & Vasectomy Reversal
- Veneers are generally cosmetic in nature and would not be eligible
- Veterinary fees for the care of a guide dog or service animal used by a disabled person
- Vision care services
- Vitamins, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
Expenses Starting With W-Y
- Walkers
- Weight loss food
- Weight loss medications and programs for treatment of medical condition (no foods)
- Wheelchairs and repairs
- Wigs if recommended due to illness, injury, or disability
- X-ray medical or dental
- Yeast infection medications
Eligible with a detailed bill or explanation of benefits
- Acne over the counter medications
- Acupuncturist services
- Adaptive Equipment (Crutches, Canes, Grab Bars, Wheelchairs, etc.)
- Alcoholism or drug addiction treatment, inpatient or outpatient
- Ambulance Services
- Antiarthritic Supplements (Glucosamine/Chondroitin)
- Arthritis gloves
- Artificial Insemination (services for the employee, spouse or dependent)
- Aspirin
- Bandages
- Batteries use to operate a medical product/device that is an eligible medical expense, such as hearing aids, breast pumps, durable medical equipment, and wheelchairs
- Birth Control & Contraceptives
- Blood Pressure Monitors
- Body Scans & Medical Diagnostic Services
- Botox for treatment of a medical condition, such as migraines
- Braces & Supports
- Braille books and magazines (excess cost only between regular books and magazines and the Braille version)
- Breast Pumps and related supplies (does not include pillows, specialty bras, baby bottles, etc.)
- Breast reconstruction following mastectomy, including prosthesis
- Breastfeeding classes
- Canes
- Carpal tunnel wrist supports
- Childbirth classes
- Chiropractic services
- Christian Science Practitioner fees
- Coinsurance, co-payments, and deductibles if the underlying services are eligible
- Compression hosiery and/or socks (20-30 mmHg or 30-40 mmHg)
- Condoms
- Contact lenses, contact lens solutions, and contact lens cases (corrective lenses only, not for cosmetic purposes)
- Contraceptives, including birth control pills, "morning after" pills, condoms, and spermicidal foam
- Co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles if the underlying services are eligible
- Cough drops and cough syrup
- Counseling if provided by a licensed provider to treat a diagnosed medical condition (marriage or career counseling, life coaching and parenting counseling are not generally eligible)
- COVID testing
- CPAP devices and supplies
- Crowns, dental if not obtained for cosmetic purposes
- Crutches
- Deductibles, coinsurance, and co-payments if the underlying services are eligible
- Dental cleaning
- Dental Fillings
- Dental implants
- Dental sealants
- Dentures and denture care products (adhesives, cleaner treatments, denture brushes, etc.)
- Diabetic Supplies
- Diaper rash cream and ointments
- Drug addiction or alcoholism treatment, inpatient or outpatient
- Drugs and medicines, prescription or over the counter (medical care only, not for cosmetic use)
- Drug-testing kits to treat a medical condition
- Durable medical equipment
- Ear drops and wax removal products
- Emergency medical kits and first aid kits
- Epsom salts
- Eye examinations
- Eyeglass repair kits
- Eyeglasses (prescription/corrective)
- Feminine menstrual care products (tampons, pads, liners, cups, sponges, etc.)
- Fertility monitors
- Fertility treatment (services for the employee, spouse or dependent)
- First Aid Kits
- Flu shots, immunizations, and vaccinations
- Foreign countries, medical, dental and vision services received in foreign countries are eligible if those services could be legally obtained in the United States
- Foreign countries, medications received and used in foreign countries are eligible if they could be legally obtained and used in the United States
- Gender reassignment surgery
- Glasses, prescription lenses
- Glucosamine and Chondroitin
- Glucose-monitoring equipment and testing supplies, if for medical care
- Grab bars for home health needs
- Hand sanitizer (for medical need)
- Hearing Aids and batteries
- Heart rate monitor (non-sports)
- Heating pads and heat packs (medical products only)
- Home medical test kits
- Homeopathic care (licensed health care professional fees)
- Humidifier, if a medical product
- Hydrogen Peroxide (for medical need)
- Ice Packs (medical products only)
- Immunizations, flu shots, and vaccinations
- In Vitro Fertilization (services for the employee, spouse or dependent)
- Incontinence products for adults
- Infertility treatment (employee, spouse or dependent)
- Insulin, related supplies, and equipment
- Invisalign and dental aligners
- Laboratory fees
- Lactation Consultant
- Lactation supplies such as breast pumps, creams, pads, shields and storage bags (does not include pillows, specialty bras, baby bottles, etc.)
- Lamaze classes for mother only
- Lasik eye surgery
- Lens wipes and eye glass cleaning products
- Lice treatment
- Mastectomy-related special bras
- Medical Alert ID bracelets and necklaces
- Medical information plans and medical records fees
- Medical products purchases are generally are eligible up to 90-day supply in any 90-day period
- Medical records fees
- Medications and drugs, prescription or over the counter (medical care only, not for cosmetic use)
- Medications received and used in foreign countries are eligible if they could be legally obtained and used in the United States
- Menstrual supplies such as tampons, cups, pads, liners, and sponges
- Mileage related to travel to or from eligible medical, dental and vision services
- Nasal and sinus rinse supplies
- Naturopathic and alternative healer services may be eligible but any products they recommend or dispense are not eligible unless they are licensed to write script for prescription medications
- Nebulizers and inhalers
- Nicotine gum or patches
- Nurse Practitioners
- Occlusal guards to prevent teeth grinding
- Online or telephone consultation fees paid to treat or diagnose a medical condition and the provider is licensed or certified to provide services in the location of the patient
- Ophthalmologist
- Optometrist
- Orthodontia treatments, eligible as services are received over the course of treatment (not prepaid)
- Orthotic inserts, custom or over the counter
- Osteopaths
- Over the counter medications (purchases of multiples of any item or category of items are limited to a 90-day supply in any 90-day period)
- Ovulation monitor
- Oximeter
- Pedialyte rehydration
- Pediatricians
- Physical exams, including sports physicals
- Podiatrists
- Pregnancy test kits
- Prenatal vitamins that are marketed specifically as prenatal vitamins and taken during pregnancy would be eligible
- Prescription medications and drugs
- Prescription medications received and used in foreign countries are eligible if they could be legally obtained and used in the United States
- Prosthetics (including Post-Mastectomy Prosthetic Bras)
- Psychiatric care
- Psychologist services
- Reading glasses
- Rubbing alcohol (medical products only)
- Safety glasses if lenses are corrective/prescription
- Sales tax for eligible expenses
- Shipping and handling fee for eligible expenses
- Smoking cessation programs, medications, gum, and patches
- Sore throat lozenges, rinses, and sprays
- Speech therapy
- Sunglasses with corrective lenses
- Sunscreen, dedicated sun protection (SPF 15+) products (makeup and lotions that include SPF protection are not eligible)
- Surgical stockings
- Telehealth and remote care paid to treat or diagnose a medical condition and the provider is licensed or certified to provide services in the location of the patient
- Telephone equipment that allows individuals with hearing or speech communication issues to communicate over the telephone, including TYY and TDD equipment
- Thermometers for medical care use
- Travel related to medical, dental or vision services including mass-transit, mileage, taxi, parking, etc.
- Ultrasound, prenatal (for diagnostic purposes only)
- Vaccinations, immunizations, and flu shots
- Vasectomy & Vasectomy Reversal
- Vision care services
- Walkers
- Wheelchairs and repairs
- X-ray medical or dental
- Yeast infection medications
Not eligible
- Baby formula that satisfies normal nutritional requirements is not eligible
- Botox for cosmetic purposes
- Career Counseling
- CBD Products
- Child or newborn care instruction
- Concierge medical practice fees (membership fees or prepaid service fees)
- Cord Blood Banking for possible future medical needs
- Cosmetic medications, services, procedures, or surgery
- Dental floss and other dental cleaning materials and products
- Diapers for infants
- Diet foods
- Emotional Support Animals
- Family, Marriage and/or Parental Counseling
- Feminine hygiene products (deodorants, cleansing products, sprays)
- Fertility treatment (surrogate who is not a dependent of the employee under IRS rules)
- Finance charges and late fees
- Foods and food products are not eligible unless it does not satisfy nutritional needs
- Hair transplant or hair restoration
- Hand soap and hand lotion
- Imported medications
- Infant diapers
- Infant formula that satisfies normal nutritional requirements is not eligible
- Insurance Premiums
- Late payment fees
- Life coaching
- Marijuana or controlled substances, even if allowed under state or local law
- Massage membership dues or flat rate and prepaid services
- Maternity clothes
- Meals other than hospital inpatient expenses of the patient, meal costs for the patient and caregiver are not eligible
- Medical Marijuana or controlled substances, even if allowed under state or local law
- Medical retainer fee and "concierge" practice fees
- Medications and services that are not legal or could not be legally obtained per US law
- Medications imported from foreign countries are not generally eligible
- Missed appointment fees
- Mouthwash is not generally eligible however the excess cost of a special mouthwash prescribed to treat a specific medical condition may qualify
- Occlusal guards for sports
- Personal Use Items
- Plastic Surgery is not eligible unless deemed medically-necessary by a Physician to treat or correct injury, illness or birth defect
- Prepayments for future medical-related services are not eligible
- Prescription medications imported from foreign countries are not generally eligible
- Ski or Sports Goggles, with or without prescription lenses
- Student health fees
- Sunglasses without corrective lenses
- Swim goggles, with or without prescription lenses
- Teeth bleaching unless the tooth discoloration is extensive and was caused by disease, birth defect or injury
- Tissue or toilet paper
- Toothbrushes and dental cleaning products, even if prescribed or recommended
- Veneers are generally cosmetic in nature and would not be eligible
- Weight loss food
Eligible With Prescription
- Biological products, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Botanical products, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Herbal remedies, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Holistic or homeopathic supplements, botanicals, and remedies, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
- Toothpaste if available only by prescription
- Vitamins, if prescribed (prescription script) by a licensed physician
Eligible With Letter of Medical Necessity
- Activity tracker ($150 maximum) LMN required to demonstrate medical need and why this expense would not have been incurred if not for the medical condition
- Air Purifier if recommended (LMN) to treat a specific medical condition (additional requirements apply if affixed to your home)
- Allergy relief bedding products as recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition (excess cost of the special form only)
- Compression garments as directed by a physician to treat or prevent a medical condition (does not include sports compression garments and products)
- Cord Blood or Umbilical cord storage for treatment of known medical condition (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Cosmetic medications, services, procedures, or surgery to treat birth defects, illness, disease and/or injuries
- Cryotherapy and Cold Therapy
- Dental veneers if need to repair tooth damage or prevent tooth damage (not eligible for cosmetic purposes)
- Diabetic socks are eligible to the extent that the cost of the specialized socks exceeds the cost of regular socks
- Doula, certified provider for medical care would be eligible but not costs related to emotional support, parenting information, housekeeping, etc.
- Dyslexia treatment (see Learning Disability for more information)
- Ear plugs, if recommended for a specific medical condition
- Egg, sperm and embryo storage during active fertility treatment (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Electrolysis if needed as part of a medically-necessary reconstructive process (not eligible if for cosmetic or personal reasons)
- Embryo, egg, and sperm storage during active fertility treatment (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Exercise equipment for the home if recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition with explanation from physician to explain why other fitness options are not advisable
- Exercise program if recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition
- Face masks if recommended by a physician due to treat a medical condition or illness (not for general/preventive personal use)
- Fiber supplements, if recommended by physician for a specific medical condition
- Fitness programs as recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition
- Genetic testing, if done to diagnose a disease or medical condition (ancestry-related testing will not qualify but the portion allocable to medical diagnosis will qualify)
- Guide Dog, cost to obtain and maintain an animal that is trained to do work or perform tasks to assist a person with a disability
- Gym memberships if recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition
- Humidifier if recommended (LMN) to treat a specific medical condition (additional requirements apply if affixed to your home)
- Hypnosis if performed by a professional to treat a medical condition or for medical reasons, such as smoking cessation
- Incontinence products for children as treatment of a specific medical condition
- Infant formula prescribed by a physician to treat a specific medical condition would be eligible to the extent that the cost of the special formula exceeds the cost of similar infant formula of similar quality
- Language therapy, tuition and tutoring fees paid to special schools and specially trained teachers for an individual with a disability
- Latex and nitrile gloves if recommended by a physician due to treat a medical condition or illness (not for general/preventive personal use)
- Learning disability therapy, tuition and tutoring fees paid to special schools and specially trained teachers for an individual with a disability
- Lodging up to $50 per night for the caregiver of a patient receiving medical, dental or vision care (additional requirements apply)
- Lodging up to $50 per night for the patient receiving medical, dental or vision care (additional requirements apply)
- Massage therapy treatments, if recommended by a physcian to treat a specific medical condition (not for general health or stress relief)
- Medical gloves if recommended by a physician due to treat a medical condition or illness (not for general/preventive personal use)
- Midwife services (not for post-partum/healthy baby care)
- Nutritionist professional services if treatment is related to a specific medical condition diagnosed by a physician
- Occupational therapy to treat a medical condition
- Orthopedic shoes, the difference in cost between the special orthopedic shoe and the regular version of similar quality
- Physical therapy
- Retin-A, Letter of Medical Necessity in addition to an Rx to specify that there is a medical need for the product
- Service Animal, cost to obtain and maintain an animal that is trained to do work or perform tasks to assist a person with a disability
- Shampoo, as recommended by a physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition (excess cost of the special form only)
- Smart watch up to $125
- Sperm, embryo, and storage during active fertility treatment (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Stem cell harvesting and/or storage for treatment of known medical condition (additional requirements apply if storage lasts more than 12 months)
- Toothpaste, the excess cost of a special toothpaste recommended by a licensed medical provider to treat a specific medical condition
- Veterinary fees for the care of a guide dog or service animal used by a disabled person
- Weight loss medications and programs for treatment of medical condition (no foods)
- Wigs if recommended due to illness, injury, or disability
Special Expenses? Call Us! There are other expenses that may eligible and some that will require a prescription and special documentation. If you have an unusual situation or if your expense is not listed, please contact us for more information at 1-800-995-5373, extension 1.
This list is subject to change. This is a brief introduction and does not guarantee the payment of benefits. Some Employer Plans limit the expense types that are eligible for reimbursement as well as the eligibility of dependents. The use of categories, brand names or registered trade names does not indicate an endorsement, recommendation or limitation. For specific information about your Employer’s plan, please refer to the Summary Plan Description (SPD). The SPD provides important information such as eligibility, benefits, eligible expenses, the claims procedures and claims filing deadlines.